Who am I? Quite a deep and philosophical question really.  Father, husband, triathlete (distinctly average), professional pilot (fortunately better than my triathlon ability), fell runner, coding geek (hate that word), small business owner, Ubuntu/Linux tinkerer, VW T5 enthusiast, procrastinator, avid DIY-er and skier.  I’m also an “ex” chair of school governors, paraglider pilot, glider pilot and depression sufferer.  Think that sums me up.

Why the blog?  I’ve been meaning for years to scribble down all those useful and interesting things I’ve come across in life.  Some are “life hacks” (a phrase I dislike – if it works, it’s a fix, not a hack.  It’s also called invention and human achievement; man inventing the wheel could be seen as a “life hack” to move things around….) and some are just things that I think I’m privileged to see, experience or learn about.  I have a vision of people finding maybe one or two pages here interesting after a bit of Googling on triathlon for duffers, how to fit some Landrover roof rails to a VW camper, what a SIPs build looks like or how to fix your Miele dishwasher.  Random, hence the name. Miscellany.
